Pink Flamingo Award Recipients

For Service “Above and Beyond”
2024 Recipient
Laurie Flanagan
Past President, Yearbook, Publicity, Membership
Each year the Pink Flamingo Award is presented to a member(s) who has provided service to the Garden Club and the community above and beyond expectations. The hand carved Pink Flamingo Award was donated to the Lake and Hills Garden Club by Yerbury Burnham, husband of Past President, Jan Burnham.
Susan Teem, Hospitality
Ruth Wehmeyer, Yearbook Ruth Chiama, Historic Preservation Phyllis Wecht, Beautification Jean Mason, Flower Arranging Classes Verna Sohl, Environmental Education Joan Kollar, Ways and Means Ellen Stumpf, Conservation Cathy Ivins, Awards Betty Duffield, Yearbook Marilyn Ingalls & Eve Riddle, Wren House Decorations Audrey Bethke, Garden Therapy Margret Nordquist, Awards Barbara Shaver, Treasurer Nancy Mahan, Yearbook Edna Melamed, Historic Preservation Parky Dodge, Chaplain Cheryl Keith, Treasurer and Yearbook Marilyn Pilon, Garden Therapy Trudi Lampe, Workshops & Arrangements |
Dee Helvik, Garden Therapy
Fredi Hallman, Holiday Decorations Linda Binic, Potheads & Deadheads, Hunnicutt Chimney Carolyn Mitchell, Yearbook and Tax Exemption Rosie Bayer, Awards and Programs Judy Minton, Auction and Holiday Decorations Marilyn Miller, Constant Support and Volunteering Irene Ferber, Inspirations Linda Kayser, Pot Heads & Dead Heads, Deck Committee Kathleen Fosha: Publicity, Yearbook, Herb Alice Guzick: Keowee Key NWF Certification Laurie Churchill: Birds and Bloom Susan Hansen: Auction Joy Kuby: Publicity, Photography, Writing and Mentoring Laura Dodge Havran: Past President, Auction, Art in Bloom, Native American Tree, Website Ginny Cooper: Treasurer Lynn Pode: Events, Holiday Decorating, Workshops, Past President Laurie Flanagan: Past President, Yearbook, Publicity, Membership |